
Racism: is it all black and white?

‘If segregation is taking centre stage in theatre land it’s curtains for equality’ – this is the intriguing heading of an article in the Sunday Times (Rod Liddle, 3.3.24). It seems that a play, written by a radical American, entitled ‘Slave Play’, has two nights set aside for black audiences only, the  purpose being to…

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World Book Day 2024!

Changing lives and feeding imaginations across the globe! Today (7th March 2024) is World Book Day … a charity designated by UNESCO that’s dedicated to the celebration and promotion of reading, authors and books across more than 100 countries worldwide. Since its inception in 1995, World Book Day has been on a mission to help…

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Aiming high: intelligence and belief

Having never given birth to a child with Special Educational needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) it is difficult to appreciate, or empathise with, how the parents of a child with SEND actually feel when their child is diagnosed with a learning difficulty. Yet, having used my knowledge of SEND, as a specialist teacher, to advise and…

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The Triangle of Life

Triangles – mathematical shapes, each with three sides and three points: same, yet different, whether defined by side – as equilateral, isosceles, scalene, or by angle – as right-angled, acute, obtuse. This fascinating basic shape has more relevance to living than we may realise.  Have you ever wondered why rows of houses have Toblerone-shaped roofs…

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